Synchronicity in modern communication

Twice now over the last couple of weeks I’ve found myself talking about the concept of synchronicity and modern communications (social/digital etc), and what that means when choosing what should go where. Ultimately every network is either asynchronous or synchronous. Some may have elements of both, but almost all fall one way or the other. Synchronous networks are when ‘stuff’… Continue reading

The farce of ‘influencer marketing’

There’s been a bit of discussion lately about influencer marketing – which is essentially the equivalent of celebrity endorsements, except the people involved usually aren’t popular enough to be considered celebrities. The core premise is this: Brand wants to sell stuff Some people have big follower or subscriber numbers Brand contacts person, asks the person… Continue reading

Buffer Daily & the content marketer who cried wolf

DO IT NOW: Tweet about this article without bothering to read its content. That’s how to do the twitters, right? Click here like a good sheep. Content warning: a bit of foul language in this one. Massive scheduling-cross-queue-service-come-content-recommendation-engine service Buffer recently announced their new app Buffer Daily. And it’s fucking horrid. Like, horrible. And it’s… Continue reading

On Klout.

Klout: about as much Science as anti-vaxxers Ironically requiring the spelling to be correct in order to work with the meme. The problem with online influence The biggest problem with all of this rhetoric about online influence, whether about bloggers, Twits, or Facebookers, is the simple fact that more people/eyeballs/RTs/@replies/’Klout’ does not influential make. It’s… Continue reading


A new technique in ‘content marketing’ hits mainstream. Content marketing is so hot right now I’m surprised it hasn’t spontaneously combusted. The idea of content marketing is not particularly unique: rather than overtly sell your products, teach the customer about stuff, and hopefully your products will sell themselves. Or as defined by the Content Marketing… Continue reading